“This system enables us to bench mark our performance against the best steel producer in the world. We want to be the best in the world.”

– Sanjeev Manocha – Senior Manager of Production Improvement and Project of National Steel ATG

Products | Rolling Mill MES System


A4 Solutions Ltd has been working on the Rolling Mill MES for more than a decade. Our client includes Thamesteel (ATG), Corus Engineering Steel (Stocksbridge), Corus Engineering Steel (Aldwake), ASW Cardiff, Co-Steel Rarinton USA, Co-Steel Lasco Canada and Bromford Steel UK etc.

We have a decade long shop floor experience working with the rolling crew and production management team. This enabled us to design the MES applications that become the essential tools for the operators, engineers and managers in managing their daily tasks. It is fast, reliable and most importantly user friendly. It helps the operator on the shop floor doing their job more efficiently.

Our MES system is comprised of the following applications and software modules shown below.